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Sep 17, 2015

How to install Google Playstore in MIUI China ROM

Posted by Putra Mahakam On September 17, 2015
Google installer
Android Application
1.03 Mb

Find all the Google Apps in Google installer !

Posted by Putra Mahakam On September 17, 2015
Cara Instal Seluruh Google Aplikasi dalam Google Installer untuk ROMs MIUI Versi China (Beta), applikasi tersebut antara lain seperti Google play store, Google Play Game, Google Account, Google Framework, Google Mail, dll.

Sebelumnya silahkan download file Apk berikut dan simpan di Handphone anda:
Google installer谷歌应用下载器.apk (1009.36 KB)

Here's a simple tutorial for installing it to your phone.
1. Find where you've downloaded the apk file
2. Choose the file, and the installation page will pop up
3. Click Install and the process may take a few seconds
4. Congratulations! The app has been installed in your phone successfully
Check out all the Google apps you can download now!

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